How to Translate SUMO KB Articles in Hindi

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This article will help you to translate KB articles in Hindi. If you want to translate SUMO interface look at the article How to localize the SUMO interface.

Steps to Translate Articles:

  1. All Hindi Localizers are following Hindi Localization Style Guide which you can download here.
  2. Use Hindi Input Tool to type in Hindi.
  3. For difficult words use Shabdkosh to translate English words in Hindi.

How to Choose an Article to Translate

  1. Go to Hindi Localization Dashboard .
  2. Look at most visited articles .
  3. Symbols to look in localization dashboard and what they signifies :
  • circle(green) - Translated and approved.
  • circle(yellow) - Update needed.
  • rectangle - Review needed.
  • red triangle - Translation needed.
    • Choose one untranslated article by clicking अनुवाद की जरूरत.

What strings you have to translate.

  1. Title.
  2. Slug: It is auto-generated and it should be of maximum 50 character.
  3. Search Result summary: it can be of maximum 120 character.
  4. Main Body Part of the article:
  • Please do not translate the strings which are in the following brackets [ ],[ [ ] ], { }, and < >.


  1. Avoid using Google translate since it doesn't gives exact result what we are looking for.
  2. Ping your local leader or locale reviewer if your article is taking too long time to be reviewed.
  3. If the article is not completely translated and you want to submit, you can submit it leaving a comment "work in progress".

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