I use a dialup internet connection, and trying to avoid the constant large update downloads microsoft requires for internet explorer, is Firefox a solution to these constant huge update downloads required?
I'm using Netzero dialup ISP Windows XP Home version 2002, do I disable my Avast anti-virus 5.0 when installing Firefox 3.6?
Wót NoahSUMO
Wšykne wótegrona (20)
Firefox also has regular updates, theses are normally aimed for about every 6-8 weeks but can happen more often if there is an urgent security/stability fix. If you keep Firefox updated, the download size for the updates is typically around 2-3Mb. If you miss an update, the next time you update it will download the full update file which is around 11Mb.
What if I choose not to update firefox? For instance, i'm still using IE with Service Pack 2. Can my computer become infected if i choose not to update firefox?
You can turn off the updates, but I recommend keeping Firefox up to date. For an indication of what the security fixes are for, the following link shows what was patched with recent updates to Firefox - http://www.mozilla.org/security/known-vulnerabilities/firefox36.html
Mozilla have a good track record of updating Firefox quickly when a new security issue is discovered.
Then please tell me why I should replace Internet explorer 8 with Firefox if I still will have to constantly download updates with dialup ISP?
It's your choice, choose whatever browser you are happy with. I prefer Firefox because it is highly customizable and Mozilla have a good track record with security updates
Wót TonyE
Are you talking about the regular monthly Microsoft Updates? The only IE updates I know of are all coming from the monthly MS Updates. As long as you are using Windows XP, I don't think there's any escape for such downloads. Of course, you can choose what updates you want to download instead of downloading the complete package. And such Microsoft Updates require IE ONLY and you cannot use Firefox for that.
two questions please: correct me if i'm misinterpreting you, but you say if i use IE with Windows XP, then I no longer will need Windows Update downloads if i use firefox and not IE, that i will only need firefox updates or patches? and will firefox notify me when i need those updates?
sweets, I don't know if your November 18 is a reply to my post or TonyE. If it's to me, first of all, you have to let me know if you are talking about Windows Updates or are you talking about Firefox Updates. They are two completely different things. Once you clarify that, I'll be able to give you a clearer answer.
silkphoenix: if i use firefox web browser (not internet explorer) with Windows XP, then I no longer will need Windows Update downloads, is that so? just firefox updates & patches? will firefox automatically notify me when these downloads become necessary
(edited to stop the post from scrolling - TonyE)
Wót TonyE
If you want to keep your computer secure, you should install security updates for Windows XP. These updates are not related to Firefox.
As for Firefox, you can configure Firefox to either automatically download and install updates, or notify you if there are updates and ask you what you want to do. You can also turn off updates so that it does not check.
Wót TonyE
"If you want to keep your computer secure, you should install security updates for Windows XP. These updates are not related to Firefox.
As for Firefox, you can configure Firefox to either automatically download and install updates, or notify you if there are updates and ask you what you want to do. You can also turn off updates so that it does not check. "
So then I'm creating double the amount of updates. On top of updates for Windows XP, I now have to update Firefox. For a dialup user this creates even more downlaod time
Did you ever try to decipher Microsoft updates?
How would I know which pertained to Windows XP, which pertained to Internet Explorer (which I could do without if I used Firefox), then I'd have to update Firefox as well
1. Windows Updates -- They only come once a month, and always the second Tuesday of each month. From your PC, click on START then Windows Update. From there, you can configure if you want to install updates automatically or manually. Since you are on dial-up, it'll be better for you to do it manually. In that window, you'll see a "Express", button, click on that and soon you'll see a list of updates available with details on what is it for. Majority of them will be for security reasons and you should download and install them to keep your PC safe. Others will be up to you to decide. Again, this Updates will only work with IE, you cannot use Firefox to download and install them.
2. Firefox Updates -- Do what TonyE suggested.
After reading "Automatic Updates for my computer" it said these updates were configured for my computer. I assumed everything there needed to be downloaded to my computer. But you're telling me this is wrong. That I need to go Express and select from the list of downloads. Which is it? second question: do i need to download everything firefox says i do?
For Windows Updates, please read these two articles to get a better understanding:
For Firefox Updates -- There are only two kinds of updates: 1) New Firefox version and 2) Updates for your add-ons and extensions. It's all up to you to decide what do you want to download. However, I do suggest you to update to new Firefox versions if it comes out, since it usually updates some security issues. Again, it's up to you.
sweets -- I posted the link for Windows7, here is the one for XP:
You can go to different links in that site to learn more about Windows Updates.
For any further questions on Windows XP, you should post your questions from the link here since the forum you are on now is only for Firefox:
I read the info on my computer it says windows updates installed automatically, are those designed for my particular computer. You're telling me to click express and choose only those for my computer, doesn't make sense
I always turn off the automatic updates from Microsoft, and wait a few weeks to see if there were any problems reported by other users that were caused by a particular update before doing a manual update with the Express option. When I have used the Express for manual update, I have always seen recommendations for an update for MS crap that I don't even use (like for Office, when it isn't even installed and I use OpenOffice) or for crap like NetFramework or Bing that isn't security related and basically useless or "harmful". Using Express I can deselect the updates I don't want and only install the updates that apply to what I want updated, you don't have that option with automatic updates.
It sounds like you allow MS to automatically install hundreds of megabytes of updates without a second thought every month, while objecting to a few megabytes of Firefox updates??
Wót the-edmeister
sweets -- Turn off your automatic updates by using the following steps:
Right Click on "My Computer" icon on your desktop >> Click on "Automatic Updates" tab >> Choose "Notify me but....." option.
From now on, you won't be automatically updated, instead you'll get a notification in your System Tray (those buttons on the bottom right of your screen). Then follow the steps I advised you earlier to install updates manually.
the-edmeis I'll try the Express option with windows updates. However i did notice that on another computer I use when I installed all windows updates using the automatic feature including SP3 and upgraded to IE 8, I then had additional problems with Net Framework. It appears windows updates creates other repercussions with my system. I hated to go to IE 8 but was forced to because Gmail would no longer work with IE 6. I think I'll try Firefox with Express windows updates, thanks. I'll post if I have additional problems. Please advise mew further if you can think of anything in this regard. One other question: should i turn off my avast free anti virus software and set a restore point on winXP before installing firefox?
Uh, Firefox doesn't work with the Express Windows updates. That process needs ActiveX, so you need to use IE for Windows updates.