How do I verify that bookmarks are sync'ed from Desktop Fx29 to Android Fx 29 ?
I have installed Fx 29 on my Android cell phone and on my WinXP/Ubuntu 14.04 Laptop. I sync from the Desktop to the Mozilla server and , then, from Mozilla servers to my Mobile Android Fx. The whole process is completely opaque. I.e. I don't see a progress bar or anything that shows the process being conducted. After that I look for my bookmarks on my Android mobile Fx.... I cannot find them. What I am doing wrong ? Cheers, -ced
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Even though I would greatly prefer bookmark sorting and organizing to be possible in the Mobile client itself, I set up Sync as a work around. But it's horrible. I too am on the newest versions of each client, and I'd never created a sync account before, etc.
So I have it working, but there seems to be absolutely no way to force a sync to occur. If I create a bookmark on my Mobile device, even if I'm sitting in front of my PC right then I have to wait for some amount of time before I can see the bookmark in the Mobile Bookmarks folder on the desktop browser. Sometimes it's a few minutes, often it can be 15-30 min., and sometimes it's an hour or an entire day. (I've tried logging in/out of sync, closing the clients, disabling/re-enabling bookmark sync in the menu, etc., but none of that ever helps.) Once I can see the new bookmark so I can move it up or down or put it in a folder, THEN I have to wait for some amount of time for it to sync back down to the mobile device. That's really bad design.
Also, I wish Sync let you choose WHICH bookmark folders to sync. All I want to sync is the Mobile Bookmarks folder and anything underneath it - I don't want to even see my desktop's overall Bookmarks list or Bookmarks Toolbar on my mobile device.
Sorry to hear that Seething Sage.
It sems that Sync is not what mozilla.org wants it to be just yet. I have gotten some attention with my 2 or 3 posts on the matter. 2 were definitely a little on the hot side of cool and I regret that, but in the end I was referred to the same 2 or 3 old stickies on how to sync and a pretty video extolling the beauty of the new Sync and ... have gotten exactly 0 solution so far. I can sync now (after dwiddling endlessly with the thing) between my Lx desktop and my Android mobile, but there is nothin' doin' for Sync between my Win-xp desktop and the server, even though I have the same set up for Fx 29.x under both Win and Lx boots....
I will report on how long it takes to propagate a sync change from one platform to another, so you may have something to comprare your case to. Stay tuned.
For the rest, I remain stumped. Cheers. -ced.
972193 Firefox for Android Awesomescreen nobody@mozilla.org NEW --- Allow folder management in Fennec bookmarks UI