https://yaithwebsitedirectory.net/3421266047306/f0f34d0ea030bf0e6d44ed87c74954ad.html, this page loads and tries to download how can I get rid of this?
This webpage will just pop up on my computer asking me to download an update, I'm sure its some malware but I cant get rid of it
Όλες οι απαντήσεις (2)
Good for you not to fall for this !
Updates are done internally in Firefox itself.
Scammers have been using this tactic for years, trying to trick users into downloading and infecting their computer.
Hard to get rid off, as they will change their URL almost on a daily basis.
You could try:
Also see: http://mzl.la/152VFwM
Τροποποιήθηκε στις
Looks like you do have the latest Firefox version, but it willl update again in about two weeks time