Issues with Lightning since TB 115
Since TB 115, I have issues with the "invite" functionality of Lightning, as follows.
It generates errors as follows:
- "invite" does not work. I can add emails to be invited to an event, but the invite is then not sent at least with the option "notify" + "send individual mail" (other alternatives such as open visible list of destinatories are not feasible due to privacy)
- when opening an "event" from the calendar, it displays in a full-screen format (see screenshot_2) that lists all invited attendees
- The "invite attendees" window works but has a strange pink block on top right (see screenshot_3)
- the page where the format of sending ("notify", "send individual mails") is not accessible any more
Currently the calendar as such works fine. But the "invite" function is critical for the use I am giving as transnational NGO to invite to meetings etc. All worked fine with previous TB versions.
System config: WIN10 prof, all updates installed, fully licensed, AMD Ryzen 9 5900X etc. (mid-end system built in 2022).
Thanks for looking into a solution.
Όλες οι απαντήσεις (4)
Sorry but ... has nobody else the same problem? It is currently impossible to send "invites" from Lightning!
Invitation mails do not go out, but instead an "Accepted: " message appears in the outbox that the sender has accepted the invitation (which makes no sense).
Side-scrolling bars in addressee list of the "Edit" window are missing. The window as above screenshot needs to be extended until all mails are shown and only then the "Edit" field appears; with longer addressee lists, this is impossible to reach as they get longer than a screen is high.
The same applies to the "Attendees" list of the event window. This makes the checkboxes for "Notify attendees", "Separate invitation" and "Disallow counter" inaccessible.
Yes, thanks for the reference. Seems there are multiple threads on the same problem.
The workaround suggested does not really seem to be very practical, fingers crossed someone will find a solution and see it working in the next TB versions.
You should find this was fixed in 115.3.2.