Focus newtab page content instead of address bar
Hey! Up until the last update, I used this code to set and focus a custom new tab page instead of its address bar (This should be a default feature, but what can you do...)
``` var {classes:Cc,interfaces:Ci,utils:Cu} = Components;
// Set new tab page try {
ChromeUtils.importESModule("resource:///modules/AboutNewTab.sys.mjs").AboutNewTab.newTabURL = "file:///home/razv/StartPage/index.html";
} catch(e){Cu.reportError(e);} // report errors in the Browser Console
// Auto focus new tab content try {
ChromeUtils.import("resource:///modules/BrowserWindowTracker.jsm").BrowserWindowTracker; const Services = globalThis.Services
Services.obs.addObserver((event) => { window = BrowserWindowTracker.getTopWindow(); window.gBrowser.selectedBrowser.focus(); }, "browser-open-newtab-start");
} catch(e) { Cu.reportError(e); } ```
After the last update, focusing the new tab page's content is broken. Can anyone help me?
Επιλεγμένη λύση
Okay, so i managed to solve this myself. For anyone with this problem, I made a complete guide to setting a custom new tab page and auto focus on Firefox 136: https://github.com/n6v26r/.dotfiles/blob/main/firefox.md
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Επιλεγμένη λύση
Okay, so i managed to solve this myself. For anyone with this problem, I made a complete guide to setting a custom new tab page and auto focus on Firefox 136: https://github.com/n6v26r/.dotfiles/blob/main/firefox.md