How do I change from HTML format to plain text e-mail
A mail recipient complained today that it was difficult to read my e-mail as it was in HTML format. He requested that I switch to plain text e-mails. How do I do this change?
A mail recipient complained today that it was difficult to read my e-mail as it was in HTML format. He requested that I
switch to plain text e-mails. How do I do this change?
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Please give me more information:
- What program are you doing this in?
- In Thunderbird?
- In web mail?
- What provider are you using?
The program I am using is webmail. My ISP is Optimum/Cablevision.
Thanks, and sorry :-)
What mail provider are you using?
- For GMail: "If you decide you'd like to write a message in plain text format, just click Plain text along the top of the compose window." http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=8260
- For Yahoo! mail: "First, you’ll see a Switch to Plain Text link below the Subject box and to the right in your Compose window. That’s how to get back to plain text if you want to compose without all the rich-text features." http://help.yahoo.com/l/sg/yahoo/mail/ymail/basics/basics-11.html
- For Hotmail: "When the email editor opens, look above the email sender (you) and email recipients' fields: there is a "Rich text" menu, by default. Click on it, and choose "Plain Text" " http://www.freeemailtutorials.com/windowsLiveHotmail/theNewHotmail/sendPlainTextEmailsFromHotmailNoPicturesOrFormatting.php
my e-mail is through comcast and it is in plain text and i want to switch it back to html. what do i do?