Printing a barcode font no longer works properly
I have been using a true type font "3 of 9 barcode" to print mailing labels on an internal website using the following css for some time:
.barcode { font-family: "3 of 9 Barcode", Times, serif; font-size:36px; }
After upgrading to Firefox 5 it stopped working. This currently renders the font correctly on the page but when I try to print the page it uses Wingdings. This is happening on multiple computers and multiple printers. The font is installed on all the computers and I've even tried using @font-face with no success.
Screenshot of Firefox properly rendering the barcdoe font.
What happens when I try to print. In this case I printed to PDF but the same thing happens when printing to a normal printer. Printing in the latest versions of Chrome & IE9 works properly though not in Safari.
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Do you see that font in the print preview?
It works for me on Linux if I print to a PDF file.
It looks fine in print preview as well. It's just when I print to printer/PDF that it's messed up.
I should mention that this works in Chrome but Safari does the same thing.
I've created a simple version of the html though it requires that you install the font linked above :
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html > <body> <span style="font-family: '3 of 9 Barcode', Times, serif; font-size:36px;">*396849*</span> </body> </html>
I've attached images of what it looks like (for me) in the browser vs. printing.
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I have this problem as well, worked fine in v3. I have barcode font installed called "IDAutomationHC39M" on the server using @face-font. When I do a print preview I do not see the font and the font does not print on print out. Works fine in IE8 and Chrome.
Abandon all hope yee who enter this thread. Abandon hope for mozilla fixing the issue that is. I went with a jQuery based bmp generator. It's pretty easy to implement and has worked well for me.
download: http://code.google.com/p/jquery-barcode/downloads/detail?name=jquery.barcode.0.3.js&can=2&q=
demo : http://jquery-barcode.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/jquery-barcode/demo/demo.html
Put these includes in your header:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.2.6/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.barcode.0.3.js"></script>
Everything that needs to be a barcode should have the same class. I chose "barcode39".
<span class="barcode39">405479</span>
<span class="barcode39">405339</span>
<span class="barcode39">405341</span>
Then run this script at the bottom:
<script> $('.barcode39') .barcode({code:'code39'}); </script>