Unable to download attachments from Yahoo?
Am running Firefox 7.0.1 in a Windows 7 environment. Am using latest Yahoo mail and suddenly I am unable to download any attachment. System appears to take me to Yahoo virus scanning window, I click continue which used to download item and it just vanishes. Have tried to force the download to ask for a location in which to save the attachment but it seems to ignore this. Has anyone got any brilliant ideas? What have I done that is stupid?
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Yahoo is having general issues with email attachments. Nothing is wrong at your end. Try Binfer meanwhile. It can send large attachments easily.
Thank you for that I had thought it was me having a senior moment. Will wait to see outcome and get myself another email client in the meantime
Thanks from Manchester UK
This isn't a Yahoo problem. Using IE instead of Firefox provides trouble-free downloads. Firefox needs to fix this problem.
You guys are not going to believe this I figured out the problem it's really dumb...ok here goes the attachment uploader loads seperate so I got to thinking it's a popup so I went to options content and under block pop ups there is an option exceptions click on that and in the box type firefox.com and hit allow pow its fixed!!!!! :-)
You don't have to disable any addons or extentions!!!You guys are not going to believe this I figured out the problem it's really dumb...ok here goes the attachment uploader loads seperate so I got to thinking it's a popup so I went to options content and under block pop ups there is an option exceptions click on that and in the box type firefox.com and hit allow pow its fixed!!!!! :-)