What is this crap with nsmail and nsemail?
Just started to get attachments to TB e-mails with name like nsmail-1 or nsemail-1. Doesn't show the current correct e-mail or picture name/designation. Can't send e-mails with long lists of pictures, documents, etc. Keep getting error message "Sending of Message Failed, Unable to open the temporary file /tmp/nsmail.tmp. Check your 'Temporary Directory' Setting". Do not know where to find a "Temporary Directory Settings" much less check it? Did not have this problem previously. Is this somehow related to the latest update to 24.4.0? Don't know how to solve this dilemma but want this crap gone yesterday! Absolutely no reason to have this in TB. When you've got a good thing going don't be messing around with it! If it ain't broke don't fix it!