Watch DRM content on Firefox
Learn about Digital Rights Management (DRM) content in Firefox and how to disable and re-enable DRM playback or troubleshoot problems.
Allow or block media autoplay in Firefox
Firefox prevents media from playing automatically on websites you visit, unless you grant permission. Learn more about this feature.
Control audio or video playback with your keyboard
This page explains the technical documentation on how to control media in Firefox by using the Media Session API.
What to do if Firefox won't play any sounds
Learn what steps to take if you can't hear sound in Firefox.
Share browser windows or your screen with sites you trust
Learn how to use Firefox's screen sharing feature safely.
Fix common audio and video issues
This article will help you solve audio and video problems on web pages.
HTML5 audio and video in Firefox
Firefox can handle audio and video content on web pages and can open some media files. Learn about supported formats and managing playback.
Playing 4K (Ultra-High Definition) YouTube videos in Firefox
Why the 4K option shows up for some viewers while it doesn't for others.
I can’t play audio on a Remote Desktop Connection
How to solve a known issue with audio playback when you use Firefox on a Remote Desktop Connection.
Mute sound in Firefox tabs
Learn how to identify noisy tabs in Firefox and mute the sound without affecting other tabs or windows.
Videos don't have sound on Citrix
How to fix audio problems when you try to watch videos while using the Citrix Server on Windows.
Why is each open Firefox tab showing up in the Windows volume mixer?
If each open Firefox tab shows up in your Windows volume mixer, a fix will be released in Firefox version 76. Here is a workaround in the meantime.
Fix video and audio problems on Firefox for Windows N editions
If Firefox has trouble playing video or music on a Windows computer, you can install the Media Feature Pack, if it's missing. Learn more.