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Set Firefox Klar as your default browser on Android

Set Firefox Klar as your default browser on Android

Open links by default in Firefox Klar.

What is Firefox Klar for iOS?

What is Firefox Klar for iOS?

Firefox Klar stellt Ihnen zum Schutz Ihrer Privatsphäre einen Browser mit eingebautem Schutz vor Aktivitätenverfolgung zur Verfügung und ermöglicht auch das Blockieren von Inhalten.

Use Face ID or Touch ID on Firefox Klar

Use Face ID or Touch ID on Firefox Klar

Add an extra layer of privacy by setting up Face ID (iPhone X) or Touch ID on Firefox Klar.

Change your theme in Firefox Klar for iOS

Change your theme in Firefox Klar for iOS

Firefox Klar for iOS has built-in light and dark themes so you can customize its appearance. You can also choose to have the theme set by your system.

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