I can't find Firefox Focus in Germany, Austria or Switzerland
Klar by Firefox is the German-language version of Firefox Focus.
What is Firefox Klar for Android?
Firefox Klar gives you a dedicated privacy browser with tracking protection and content blocking on your Android phone or tablet.
Set Firefox Klar as your default browser on Android
Open links by default in Firefox Klar.
Change your default search on Firefox Klar for Android
How to change your default search in Firefox Klar for Android.
Firefox Klar for Android - Frequently asked questions
Addresses known issues in Firefox Klar for Android.
Open a new private tab in Firefox Klar
How to open new tabs in Firefox Klar for Android.
Block cookies in Firefox Klar for Android
Block all or third-party cookies in Firefox Klar for Android.
Find words on a page in Firefox Klar for Android
Use the Find in Page feature to search for specific words on a web page.
Change to desktop view on Firefox Klar for Android
How to switch to desktop view on Firefox Klar.
GeckoView in Firefox Klar
Firefox Klar version 7 is powered by GeckoView which increases its file size but allows a faster and more secure browsing experience.
Search suggestions in Firefox Klar for Android
Search suggestions in Firefox Klar.
Add trusted sites to your allow list on Firefox Klar
Add frequently visited websites to your tracking protection allow list.
What's new in Firefox Klar for Android
What's new in the latest version of Firefox Klar for Android.
Change your theme in Firefox Klar for Android
Firefox Klar for Android has built-in light and dark themes so you can customize its appearance. You can also choose to have the theme set by battery saver.
Safe browsing in Firefox Klar
Learn about Safe Browsing and why it doesn't work in Firefox Klar version 7.
Add web page shortcuts to your Home screen in Firefox Klar
Firefox Klar lets you add shortcuts to your favorite home pages on your Android home screen.
HTTPS-Only Mode in Firefox Klar for Android
You can change your preferences to HTTPS-Only Mode in Firefox Klar for Android, version 97 and above.
Difficulties with a website in Firefox Klar for Android 100
A potential temporary solution if a web page is not opening correctly in Firefox Klar for Android 100.
How does Firefox Klar for Android use the permissions it requests?
This article describes how Firefox Klar for Android uses app permissions and collects data. Read more about the specific permissions requested, data usage, and Mozilla's commitment to protect user information.