Avoid and report Mozilla tech support scams
Mozilla does not provide telephone support and does not charge for software downloads, upgrades or technical help. Learn more.
Remote Content in Messages
This page explains the privacy implications of allowing remote content like images to be displayed in email messages.
Password Manager - Remember, delete and change passwords in Thunderbird
The Thunderbird Password Manager securely stores your username and passwords. Learn how to save, view, delete and edit your passwords.
Introduction to End-to-end encryption in Thunderbird
This article explains what end-to-end encryption is and how to use it to protect the contents of your email in Thunderbird.
OpenPGP in Thunderbird - HOWTO and FAQ
This article answers common questions about OpenPGP support in Thunderbird, as implemented in End-To-End Encryption (e2ee), and how it differs from Enigmail.
Setup your email account for using End-To-End Encryption
To use End-To-End Encryption with Thunderbird, you must prepare your own keys or certificates in account settings. This article explains what to do.
Protect your Thunderbird passwords with a Primary Password
Make Thunderbird require you to enter a primary password in order to view or use passwords you've told Thunderbird to remember.
Microsoft OAuth Authentication and Thunderbird in 2024
Changes to OAuth authentication for Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365, abbreviated as “o365”) business and academic hosted email accounts and services.
Thunderbird Telemetry
Thunderbird collects telemetry data by default. We collect this data to help improve the performance and stability of Thunderbird. Learn more.
Automatic Conversion of Google mail accounts to OAuth 2.0 Authentication
Thunderbird 91.8.0, released 5th April 2022, converts Gmail accounts to OAuth 2.0 in compliance with Google's schedule for requiring this login method.
OpenPGP Recipient Alias Configuration
How to set up and use the OpenPGP recipient Alias feature in Thunderbird.
Instructions for obtaining a personal S/MIME certificate by creating a CSR
Description of the manual process of obtaining an S/MIME certificate for email security, using a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) generated by Thunderbird.
Primary Password is replacing Master Password in Thunderbird
Primary Password is replacing Master Password. Learn more about why we are making this change.
Prerequisite for sending an encrypted email message
This article explains why Thunderbird may report that it cannot encrypt an email that you attempt to send.
Using OpenPGP secret keys that advertise features that are not supported by Thunderbird
Using OpenPGP secret keys created using other software (e.g. GnuPG) might advertise unsupported features and could result in interoperability issues.
Master password requested but not set Redirect 1
Why does Thunderbird warn me that my server don't use encryption?
Digitally Signing and Encrypting Messages
This tutorial explains how to set up Thunderbird to digitally sign, encrypt and decrypt messages in order to make them secure.
How Thunderbird’s scam detection works?
How can I digitally sign and encrypt emails?
Thunderbird and Logjam
Thunderbird no longer supports 512 bit (so called US export) keys for TLS connections.
Unsafe properties of OpenPGP keys might be ignored
If Thunderbird unexpectedly reports that an OpenPGP key is expired, or isn't showing some expected properties, the key might have unsafe properties.
Thunderbird and OpenPGP Alias Keys
How to use the OpenPGP Alias Keys feature to bypass Thunderbird's usual requirement that an OpenPGP public key must contain the recipient's email address.
OpenPGP keys might be authentic or counterfeit
How to avoid accepting a counterfeit OpenPGP key when Thunderbird asks you to accept the public key of a correspondent.