My archive files have disappeared after re-installation.
I recently re-installed Thunderbird, only to find that while my four years of archives are shown on the left panel, the relevant years are EMPTY. Current archiving works fine, but I'm unable to access my previous FOUR YEARS of archives. How is this possible? What happened? And is there some way to retrieve the missing files? If not, this is very bad news for Thunderbird. I've used Thunderbird for ten years or more and nothing like this happened before. PLEASE ADVISE WHAT CAUSED THIS AND IF IT CAN BE REVERSED. Thank you.
All Replies (5)
try right clicking and selecting properties and then repair in case the index for the folder is corrupt.
Hi Matt:
Thanks for your suggestion, but PROPERTIES shows all files have 0 content. Tried REPAIR, but folders remain blank. How on earth did this happen, I wonder? Archive files for 2012, 2013 and 2014 (except for two recent saves) all empty....
So it goes .....Will be more careful in future and save important files to hard disk .....
if 2012 only had folders in it the size would be Zero. so is it mail in that folder your looking for or something else? I think something else
Looking for mail in three folders Matt. No sign of it, having done as you suggest. The 2014 folder contains only two recent files - 54KB - saved O.K. The previous files have ... disappeared. Did something go wrong with the re-installation of Thunderbird? Hasn't happened previously ....
OK, I have the same problem. I upgraded Thunderbird to 31.1 this morning and many of the archived files in many of the folders have disappeared, selectively. It's really strange. I NEED those files. I tried right clicking to repair the folder, but that didn't work either. Please someone HELP!