How can I use Scratchpad to write to apache server's root?
I'm trying to use Firefox-Developer Edition (version 45.0a2) for full web-development on my server. So, I've tried using the "Scratchpad" editor, which is great with the Vim keybindings, to write/edit an html file on my apache server's "root" directory. Unfortunately, every time I save the file the permissions are changed from "-rw-rw-rw-" to "-rw-------", resulting in a permission error.
The server is hosted on RedHat Linux, with the default umask of "0022".
The "root" directory permissions are "drwxrwsr-x. root apache ".
Is this an unusual way for web-development, using Firefox and its developer tools alone?
I could relax the permissions on the server, however, since the firefox browser is, technically, still connected to the public internet, is there a security concern in doing this? I can't seem to find helpful relevant information that's specific enough to this type of problem, so I'm asking here. Or maybe there's a way to change an option within Firefox to accomplish this?
All Replies (1)
Best place to ask is in this email list: https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-security
More on secure certificates in Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/secure-website-certificate
Are there any error messages? If not alternatives: