Why x32 and x64 installation files have the same name? It's inconvenient for admins
My company has x32 and x64 machines. It's VERY, VERY inconvenient when both installation files have the same name. All other well-known software developers release their installation files with DIFFERENT name. It has became GOOD PRACTICE, and what's more - THE SIGN OF A GOOD FORM to give corresponding name to different platform installators:
Google Chrome Browser: GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise.msi GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise64.msi
Firebird SQL Server: Firebird- Firebird-
7Zip File Archiver: 7z1600.exe 7z1600-x64.exe
The Bat Mail Client: thebat_32_7-1-18.msi thebat_64_7-1-18.msi
And a lot of others. I have read the typical noncommittal answer from Firefox contributor: "Our installators are uploaded at different servers, so you can download x32 and x64 files in your different folders". It's not an answer. It's just rubbish.
PLEASE GIVE DIFFERENT NAME FOR x32 and x64 installators!!!
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