how do I put the FireFox browser icon in the Windows 10 taskbar ?
I have a desktop shortcut for FireFox (which works with double-click) in my new Windows 10 laptop, but it won't let me move it into the taskbar for quick launch. Every time I drag it I get a 'no entry' prohibition sign when it reaches the taskbar. Can any user help me here?
All Replies (10)
An easy way to put Firefox on the Windows 10 task bar is you open it using the desktop shortcut, right click the program that displays on the task bar and then click Pin to task bar. You should then be able to close Firefox and the icon should remain on the task bar. You can then drag the icons that are on the task bar to change the order that they are shown.
Thanks for the reply. Yes, that's how I believed it should work. Unfortunately, right click does not give the "Pin to task bar" option. It only shows
...(a list of recent sites/pages visited)... 'Tasks
Open new tab Open new window New private window'
and 'Close window'
Other icons in the task bar offer 'Unpin from taskbar' (or 'Pin to taskbar' if the icon is not yet there permanently)
This is looking like a Windows problem rather than FireFox. Another point, does anyone know how I can set the posted time to UK local rather than US ? I haven't used this system for a long time and I am now trying to set up a new computer
alan.dexter said
This is looking like a Windows problem rather than FireFox. Another point, does anyone know how I can set the posted time to UK local rather than US ? I haven't used this system for a long time and I am now trying to set up a new computer
Hi !
In Windows it's real easy to set the correct time:
Just go to Settings > Time and Language and set the right time, piece of cake, really !
Sorry to go off at half cock, I've just sorted the local time, in my profile. Now I would like to display European date format instead of American (i.e. dd/mm/yy rather than mm/dd/yy) Is that possible?
alan.dexter said
Sorry to go off at half cock, I've just sorted the local time, in my profile. Now I would like to display European date format instead of American (i.e. dd/mm/yy rather than mm/dd/yy) Is that possible?
'Just went back to Windows Settings > Time and Language for you and had a good look: looks like it's possible: try 'Time-zone', and let us know how that worked, will you ?
Good luck !
reply to Happy112
sorry for the confusion. Problem 1 is about pinning the FireFox icon to the taskbar. No answer yet, but is probably a Windows problem. Problem 2 is about the time displayed on posts in this FireFox forum. Sorted in my Profile. Problem/Question 3 is about date format in these posts. Not something I can't cope with, but it's a nice-to-have.
Thanks for trying to help, for years FireFox has just worked o.k. but I am now trying to use a new computer and OS and I expect a few teething troubles.
alan.dexter said
reply to Happy112 sorry for the confusion. Problem 1 is about pinning the FireFox icon to the taskbar. No answer yet, but is probably a Windows problem. Problem 2 is about the time displayed on posts in this FireFox forum. Sorted in my Profile. Problem/Question 3 is about date format in these posts. Not something I can't cope with, but it's a nice-to-have. Thanks for trying to help, for years FireFox has just worked o.k. but I am now trying to use a new computer and OS and I expect a few teething troubles.
No confusion on my part, don't worry !
My last post pertains to your problem # 1
My second post pertains to your problem # 3
Hi again !
You could try and post your question pertaining to the icon here
And you can try to 'fix' the day-month-year by going to
Settings > Time and Language > Timezone
I know that you already set the right time, but setting the right dd-mm-yy just might work by changing the timezone .