How do I switch Firefox Quantum back to the old interface? This new one is horrible.
Like Ohhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyyyy gawwwwwwwwwwd, why did you have to make my browser horribly ugly? What did I do to deserve this? Why? WHY?? And also, WHYYYYY??? Why do you guys hire modern artists to create depressingly blocky themes for you? Who thought this was a good idea? Do you hate us? Clearly you do.
All Replies (4)
How about looking at these 2 URL's first : https://www.howtogeek.com/333110/how-to-customize-firefox-quantum-and-remove-the-white-space-around-the-title-bar/ and Here's a more comprehensive project which affects not only tabs but brings back the old "grid-style" options menu. https://github.com/axydavid/FirefoxUI/blob/master/README.md
It isn't completely possible to use the Australis design with Firefox 57, but depending on what you want, you might be able to customize the UI to look more like the old one: This project: https://github.com/wilfredwee/photon-australis lets you have the old tab bar appearance back in Firefox 57. You can remove the space around the address bar by right-clicking on the spaces, and choosing "remove from toolbar". Note the Black Theme is just a Example and can be found in Customize.
Going back : unfortunately 56.0.2 is no longer safe to use for every day use do to secuity issues, but 52.5.0 ESR is. It will continue to get security updates until May 2018, and you can download and install it from this page: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/organizations/all/ Note : Legacy Extensions will be deleted or removed in any version update after May 2018.
You should make a backup of your Profile before going back and just because: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/back-and-restore-information-firefox-profiles
Please let us know if this solved your issue or if need further assistance.
I switched to waterfox. Problem solved. Good job taking the browser from a 9/10 to a 6/10.
Support Volunteers can't make changes to Firefox To submit suggestions for new or changed features, may I suggest: Feedback: https://qsurvey.mozilla.com/s3/FirefoxInput/
Yeah. I finally switched to the Waterfox version too and was surprised how much better it is all around. Faster, the same secure updates, and it supports all the legacy add-ons that Firefox turned their backs on. Just gotta get used to that blue fox logo instead of the red one.