Emails suddenly displaying html code and are unreadable. Why?
Not sure how long but incoming e-mails are suddenly displaying massive amounts of HTML code instead of text and links. This has made most of my e-mails unreadable. I have tried clicking 'properties' on the folder and then 'repair folder' but it does no good. I am to the point of downgrading my version of Thunderbird to something from a year ago to get rid of this bug or switching to some other mail handler.
Is there some other fix.
I am attaching a particularly evil example of this from a recent email.
All Replies (3)
There is no screenshot.
I am to the point of downgrading my version of Thunderbird to something from a year ago to get rid of this bug or switching to some other mail handler.
Did you consider the possibility this is because of something you did? It may not have been intentionally though.
Thanks, I think. Truly, something unintentional that I did will be impossible to diagnose, and I can think of no intentional acts that could have caused it, other than allowing recent updates to come through.
There are several other people out there having this same problem, only they aren't competent enough to provide a screenshot example of the problem they are having. At first, it seemed like running that folder repair helped in some instances, but that is not true with for example the e-mail I submitted with my first posting. There is no setting or option I can find to change that says something like 'display text only' or 'ignore HTML code and display as text', which appears to be what is happening.
The only thing that I am aware of that has changed are the semi-frequent updates/upgrades that come through, and I pretty much suspect that to be the cause. To be honest, I had to downgrade my copy of Firefox to an older version as the recent big upgrade killed a whole bunch of apps and addons I use and I am not willing to give them up yet as there are no true replacements. I have been considering switching to Google Chrome where they still work but haven't done so. I may need to do the same with my mail handler unfortunately. Thunderbird had seemed solid, but if I can't read my mail I clearly need to switch to something else.
There is no setting or option I can find to change that says something like 'display text only' or 'ignore HTML code and display as text'
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