Microsoft outllok no longer opens ith user name and pasword but forces a security key so I switched to chrome & internetexplorer I do NOT want this "feature"
I cannot log in to Microsot outlok since a recent upgrade of Firefox. Once I put in muy user name and try to go to the next screen Firefox takes over and will not let me enter my outlook (hotmail) password but insists ion a security key which I do nt have and do not want . I don't need someone else deciding for me how to access my e mail. Thank God for Chrome and crappy internet explo ere otherwise I wopuld have been locked out of my hotmail accounts. THe arrogance of Mozilla in locking me out is unconscionable. I am sure some folks may wish this "feature". I do not and do not wish it forced upon me. I know how I wish to interface with my aaplications. Goiogling I can't find any way of disabling this unwanted interloper and so no longer can iuse firefox which I otherwise like(d).
All Replies (1)
Hi hnrynbl, Did you set a Master Password in - Menu -> Options -> Privacy & Security page Logins and Passwords -> Use a Master Password ?