Why isn't an often-visited bookmark suggested in location bar after FF75?
Since 75, a bookmarked site I visit multiple times every day is not suggested and autofilled in the location bar. Let's say the site is lfoo.bar.baz (it's a subdomain, and the top-level is not a .com). When I open a new tab and type "l", Lfoo does not autofill; it is in the dropdown and I have to press the Down arrow to highlight it. This is a big hitch in my workflow, because I expect Ctrl-T L Enter to get me to Lfoo like it did before FF75.
This is what I've already tried:
- I tried config modifications to revert the bar to pre-75 behavior. When they didn't work, I reverted them.
- I removed all other bookmarks with sites that start with L, notably LinkedIn.
- I deleted all instances of LinkedIn (the site that was appearing instead of Lfoo) from my history. After this, instead of autofilling LinkedIn, which I barely use and hadn't visited in 90 days (places.frecency.fourthBucketCutoff), the location bar would not fill in anything after I typed "l."
- I gave my Lfoo bookmark the keyword "l." This worked, but it's a total hack and I shouldn't have to do it; also, it doesn't autofill lfoo.bar.baz into the location bar, but just moves the cursor down to Lfoo in the dropdown when I type "l."
- I ticked "When using the address bar, suggest" > "Browsing history." This worked, but of course browsing history is now suggested for every other input (which I don't want-- it's why I had this turned off in the first place). I don't want Lfoo suggested on the basis of my history; I want it suggested because it's a bookmark and I asked Firefox to suggest bookmarks.
Because lfoo.bar.baz is a subdomain, not a .com, and a redirect to a login page, I suspect it has been discounted for suggestion in spite of it being one of my most-used sites and far and away my most used site that starts with L.
All Replies (1)
Workaround: I changed the bookmark location from https://lfoo.bar.baz to simply lfoo.bar.baz. Maybe the new DoH is causing this. Still feel that suggestions shouldn't depend on the protocol prefix (at least for http and https).