Firefox Version 85.0 No Longer Opening URL from Microsoft VBA FollowHyperLink Method
Hello All,
I have been using Firefox on my Windows 7 PC (64 bit) as the default browser instead of IE for several years. It has worked very well.
I have many utilities I have written using Microsoft Office 2003 tools. Many of these tools use the VBA FollowHyperLink method and this has worked perfectly with Firefox until the latest version -- 85.0. With version 85.0, when the code executes the FollowHyperLink with an address, Firefox starts but the "new tab" is empty and the address control has the "Search with ..." message. If Firefox is already running, the method creates a new tab (as it did with previous versions) and Firefox opens the specified address. I have reverted to IE as the default browser and it works as expected -- if IE is not running, it starts, and displays the specified address.
So it appears that Firefox 85.0 is not listening for an address while it is starting. Is there a way I can override this behavior?
Thanks, Chris
All Replies (1)
This appears to be solved in version 87.0.