送信すると毎回差出人が変わる。/The sender changes every time you send.
Every time you send an email, the sender will change. I have properly sent an arbitrary e-mail address as the sender, It is supposed to have been sent with a different email address. please help me.
毎回、メールを送信すると差出人が変わります。 ちゃんと任意のメールアドレスを差出人にしているのですが、 別のメールアドレスで送った事になっています。 助けて下さい。
All Replies (1)
IS this using the outlook, or yahoo mail services. These revert the sender to the information stored on their web site when the mail passes through their SMTPS server. So if you set your display name in Thunderbird to Bruce and they think your display name is SakaTosi, they will insert that in preference to what you have set in Thunderbird.