email contents are scrambled or in computer code
Some recipients are getting part of the email scrambled with computer code.
I am a novice & am not doing anything unusual. Look at the upside down question marks: ��� We do not have any items that start with 0494- ��� 2555 is the medium NM flag shield & $1.50 is the correct price. ��� If 0475-2554 was intended (?), that is only $1.35 - It is the NM flag pin (you call it the zia pin)
All Replies (5)
Are you sending mail through a Yahoo-based account (Yahoo, AOL, Rogers, AT&T etc.)?
I use Thunderbird for 3 AOL accounts & 1 gmail. I know it happens in AOL. I do not know if it happens in gmail.
Double-click mail.strictly_mime to true in Options/General/Indexing/Config. editor to enforce Quoted Printable encoding (Outlook default).
That & another reply are as confusing as the computer code that materializes in my email.
I went to TOOLS, OPTIONS...so far ok.
Can't find DISPLAY so can't go forward.
This comment: Double-click mail.strictly_mime to true in Options/General/Indexing/Config. editor to enforce Quoted Printable encoding (Outlook default). 1) I am not using Outlook. 2) I get as far as /Config.editor. I have no idea what "enforce Quoted Printable encoding - & again, I do nor use Outlook.
Follow these instructions: open Options/General, click Config. editor at the bottom of the tab. Copy mail.strictly_mime into the search box, then double-click the preference to switch the value to true. Restart TB.