Scroll to top when clicking link to internal page not working
Hello! I am developing a static website in this repo: https://gitlab.com/anagolay/website
And I have the following bug: Clicking the other internal page ( 'How it works' ) link while being at the bottom of main page, leads to the bottom of the new page, instead of leading to the top, as expected.
The nav bar contains links to two other internal page and other external links.
Steps to reproduce the bug: Being at the bottom of the 'Home' page - click 'How it works' nav bar link. you will be redirected to the bottom of 'How it works' page.
I tried scrolling different heights, and found that when the initial page scrolling height is higher than the destination page height, this "bug" happens. Since the 'Home' page is larger than 'How it works', clicking Home link being at the bottom of 'How it works' leads to the top of Home page, as expected.
I ask in the Mozilla support because this happens only in Firefox, so I think there may be some browser behavior that I don't know about.
All Replies (1)
Hola, Este es el foro de ayuda en Español, si tu consulta es por un Bug recomiendo buscar el problema similar en, de no existir puede generar el Bug ya que este foro no es atendido por los desarrolladores, en cambio el siguiente si: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi#h=dupes%7CFirefox
Luego agradeceríamos indicar el numero de bug aquí y cerrar la consulta marcado ese mensaje como solución y continuar el caso en el foro anterior. Gracias