Please contact your administrator with the error code: 0.3b2c2d17.1669662371.5cf7b1c1
Yesterday had no issues accessing https://ebay.com. Shutdown overnight. This morning get the error message "Please contact your administrator with the error code: 0.3b2c2d17.1669662371.5cf7b1c1" There is no administrator as this is a Windows 10 home computer. I have cleared the browser of any entry "ebay" but it did nothing to return connections. No other url seems to be effected. Used EDGE and connected without issue. Also used a tablet and had n issue. Any suggestion to resolve the issue would be appreciated.
Craig Kawahara
All Replies (1)
I've seen users report Firefox doesn't work well with eBay or Amazon correctly and it could be related to how the Browser is coded. As you mention it works in Edge and most likey in Chrome without issues. eBay and Amazon has from what I keep seeing a ongoing issue with Firefox for some reasons.