I can't access google groups I keep getting redirected and not sent to the group help please?
I have memberships to multiple google groups while I can access the main page listing the groups I am in. I click to access anyone of my groups, I keep getting redirected. and I can't I am using the latest version of Firefox and I am using a Windows 7 64 bit operating system.
URL of affected sites
All Replies (20)
I cleared my cookies and my issue wasn't resolved sadly.
I am having this problem as well. At first I assumed it was a temporary glitch with Google (which it might be). This wasn't occurring just a few days ago; I have no idea why this would start happening when the version hasn't changed. I uninstalled all add-ons to see if that was the problem but it wasn't. Strange.
I had the same problem with Windows 7 and Firefox 3.6.3.
I did not have a problem with Windows 7 and IE, or with Vista and Firefox 3.6.3 or IE.
Removing just the ...
... cookie did fix the problem for me.
how do you remove just the google groups cookie cause I cleared all cookies and it didn't fix the issue.
Deleting all the groups.google*-Cookies saved the problem for me, too.
Kozura ...
Tools > Options > Privacy
Click on ...
Remove individual cookies
Scroll down to ...
... and remove.
I had no problem accessing my Google Groups after that.
Now, I've noticed that I again have a groups.google.com cookie, BUT, at least for now, I am still no longer having a problem.
Hope that helps.
I have been unable to log onto my google groups all morning using Firefox but was instantly able to using Internet Explorer
Thank you so much. Removing all the cookies related to google groups did the trick.
Exact same problem with me. Works fine on IE 8.0.6001.18702. This just started last week.
I removed group.google.com cookies as others have recommended and it worked for me. I guess I can stop scanning my MAC for a virus now :-)
Download and install ccleaner.. run it.. then try again. The app is free.
Same problem here for the last five/six days.
Removing the Google.Group cookies seems to have solved the problem
Cor-el's solution worked for me. Thanks, amigo.
For me too, removing the google group cookies solved the problem. I'm a Chrome user. Thanks for the thread!
Same issue here, also resolved by removing all groups.google.com cookies.
No issue with IE or chrome.
+1 Big problem
Same problem, removing all cookies for groups.google.com solved it.
Same problem. Nothing seems to fix it.
- Windows 7 64bit - Firefox 3.5.9 - Add-ons - DownThemAll! - Firebug - Foxy SEO Tool - LogMeIn - SenSEO
Josh Delcore
I can't get into mine either................