After removing system fonts and reinstalling fonts, FireFox will not start
After removing system fonts and reinstalling fonts, FireFox will not start! When I start FireFox the "Mozilla Crash Reporter" opens as if FF just crashed??? I don't see any records in event viewer. I am using FF v3.6.3 on a Windows 7 box. I tried uninstalling 3.6.3 and installing 3.0.18 and had the same problem!
This happened
Every time Firefox opened
After a uninstalled all fonts including system fonts and then reinstalling system fonts.
User Agent
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; GTB6.4; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; AskTB5.5)
All Replies (8)
Something is wrong with one of your fonts, most likely. How did you "reinstall system fonts"?
That crash detail information is not useful.
For us to look at your crash report please read: https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Mozilla+Crash+Reporter#Viewing_reports_outside_of_Firefox
You might try a Windows System Restore.
Thank you for your reply! All the last crash report had in it was:
thats it! This came from a file named LastCrash
If I install all the fonts I have (about 8,000 of them), FF opens fine! I just need to know what fonts are necasary to install for FF to open/run. I use a font management utility called Netscape Font Navigator to install fonts. Could you tell me what fonts are necasary for FF to operate/open?
Thanks again for your help!
That is a date: 1277011273 - Sun, 20 Jun 2010 05:21:13 GMT
You need at least to keep the core fonts like Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, Times New Roman and a fonts that are regularly used on websites.
The files with submitted crash report ids are inside the submitted directory, from the directory you found the LastCrash.txt timestamp file.
The file names will begin with bp-
There might be more information from the crash report, but it might just tell us you are crashing the first time Firefox tries to use a font.
One thing I suppose you could do is select only those fonts you've got in Tools -> Options -> Content -> Fonts and Colors -> Advanced and then uncheck the Allow pages to use their own fonts option.
See http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Options+window+-+Content+panel#Fonts_Dialog
To be honest, I can't find anything on this Netscape Font Navigator and it sounds highly dubious.
Thanks again for your help!
It doesn’t appear to me that FF is crashing the first time it tries to use a font, but rather it appears to me that it is crashing because it CANNOT find a font since it is not installed? If I knew which fonts needs installed, perhaps the problem would be solved.
There are 2 file in there. Each only has one line of text:
Text from first file: Crash ID: bp-045773c0-ee0f-47a4-a8d2-aed322100619 Text from second file: Crash ID: bp-a01d9cbe-d37b-44af-924c-329372100619
Well, that's basically what I meant.
Your second crash has an associated bug (ignore the fact that its about Thunderbird): https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=558101
Basically, Firefox is trying to figure out some information about a font (nsTextBoxFrame::GetTextSize(nsPresContext*, nsIRenderingContext&, nsString const&, nsSize&, int&) would be trying to figure out the text size), but it can't.
Sorry I can't offer more assistance other than my suggestion above.
Windows keeps a list of font substitutes and if you remove fonts then it is not predictable which font is used instead. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes
Both crashes link to a similar instruction to getting the height (fontmetrics) : fm->GetHeight(mRowHeight); and fontMet->GetHeight(aSize.height);
Did you check that you still have the core fonts including Tahoma installed? See also http://web.nickshanks.com/typography/corefonts
Yes I checked. I even created a fresh VM installation of Win7 and then copied all the fonts from the Windows font folder of the fresh install to the Windows font folder of the box in question. After all of this I STILL HAD THE SAME PROBLEM! I then checked for spyware and other malicious software and found none. I didn't want to, but I finally did an image restore and of course that fixed the problem.
I am interested in the subtitles and key you mention above. Would it have been possible to fix my problem along those lines? Do you have any additional info on how to deal with the subkeys and reg key to fix such an issue in the future?
Thank You!