Since Firefox was updated, I cannot see any U Tube videos. Why?
All U Tube videos are no longer visible since the update. The black box flashes, and then all is white. The audio plays. I do not have any plugins that I know about.
All Replies (4)
Answers in this forum have shown different things have worked for different people.
For some clearing YouTube cookies and the cache solved the problem. For details of how to do that see https://support.mozilla.com/kb/Deleting+cookies and https://support.mozilla.com/kb/How+to+clear+the+cache
Others had to go a step further after deleting YouTube cookies and block YouTube from saving cookies. In the Tools menu select Options to open the Options window. Go to the Privacy panel and make sure it is set to "Use custom setting for history". Click the Exceptions button, type in http://www.youtube.com and click on Block
Another option is to disable hardware acceleration for Flash. To do that right-click on a Flash video, select Settings, go to the first tab of the settings for the option to enable/disable hardware acceleration for Flash. This is something recommended by YouTube for those having problems - http://www.google.com/support/youtube/bin/answer.py?&answer=1209379
You can also try changing to the secure YouTube site, https://www.youtube.com
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I deleted all my cookies and magically all videos now play. Even though it solves the problem, why did it occur with the Firefox update?
It was possibly co-incidence, this has happened in various versions of Firefox and in other browsers. YouTube/Google and Adobe have been trying to establish the cause for this.
Hope they get it straightened out. Never happened to me before, and without your handholding to bail me out...I would have had regretfully gone over to another browser...