json file won't load up in bookmarks, did a fresh recovery on pc not that long ago
I decided to do a fresh restore on my PC. Backed up everything, including the bookmarks, saved as a .json and I probably should have as an HTML, I really wasn't thinking. Reformatted/Recovered and all that stuff. After I reinstalled all of my programs I went to import my .json file the usual way: Bookmarks>Organize Bookmarks> Import and Backup>Restore>selected the .json file I had... nothing I tried again a few more times, I even downgraded hoping it might help and it didn't. I'm hoping someone can help I really need my bookmarks and since I can't just get them back anymore I'm stuck Not sure if it's needed but I'm running XP.
All Replies (2)
If you reformatted, then everything has been erased.
Next time, save the file to an external source like a USB drive.
Did you make sure that the file has a .json file extension? Right-click context menu > Properties > JSON and not File or something else.
A JSON backup starts with: {"title":"","id":1,"dateAdded":
See also this mozillaZine thread about extracting links from a JSON backup.
Make a copy of the JSON backup and add a .txt file extension to avoid a download dialog if you use File > Open File.
You can check out the links with this bookmarklet after opening the JSON file in Firefox:
javascript:(function(){var E=document.getElementsByTagName('PRE')[0],T=E.innerHTML,R=/(%22uri%22:%22([^%22]*)%22)/g,i=0,r1,r2,t;t=new Array();while(R.exec(T)){r1=RegExp.$1;r2=RegExp.$2;if(/^(http|https):/i.exec(r2)){t.push('['+(i++)+']:<a href='+r2+'>'+r2+'<\/a>');}}with(window.open().document){for(i=0;t[i];i++)write(t[i]+'<br>');close();}})();