cannot launch firefox with ProfileManager option #/usr/bin/firefox -ProfileManager in solaris 10 using 3.6.12 firefox
I have a Solaris firefox issue where I am unable to launch firefox with ProfileManager option. I using 3.6.12 . I have tried to remove lock files and re-naming (.mozilla) without success.
Any pointers /suggestions on how to cleanup this offending install is appreciated.
- /usr/bin/firefox -ProfileManager (does not launch)
- echo $?
But it is ok to simply using “/usr/bin/firefox” without option.
Do you know where to locate the error information?
After jsconsole opened, we can see this error message when execute “firefox -ProfileManager”:
Error: Warning: unrecognized command line flag -ProfileManager
Source File: file:///usr/lib/firefox/components/nsBrowserContentHandler.js
Line: 708
bash-3.00# firefox -version
Mozilla Firefox 3.6.12, Copyright (c) 1998 - 2010 mozilla.org
bash-3.00# which firefox
bash-3.00# uname -a
SunOS zcydsf874ha-unit1 5.10 Generic_144488-17 sun4v sparc SUNW,Netra-CP3060