Hi! Where can i mention a small bug (FF 11 on mac OS 10.6) + fix?
Hi! First of all, Thank you all very much for...Firefox
And now , to the the point... On FF 11 (SnowL) , if you have, like i did , on a drupal 6 'sub-theme' , a CSS embed property ' border-radius' , it goes wrong... only with mac 10.6, FF 11. Linux and W7 seemed ok, as weel on other browsers... I had it, because i 'themed a drupal 6 classic theme, but cleaning up border-radius solved the problem.. I hope it was an helpul info, gtz Nelson B.
First of all, Thank you all very much for...Firefox
And now , to the the point... On FF 11 (SnowL) , if you have, like i did , on a drupal 6 'sub-theme' , a CSS embed property ' border-radius' , it goes wrong... only with mac 10.6, FF 11.
Linux and W7 seemed ok, as weel on other browsers...
I had it, because i 'themed a drupal 6 classic theme, but cleaning up border-radius solved the problem..
I hope it was an helpul info, gtz
Nelson B.