Flash no longer works with latest version of Firefox and Flash on my iMac?
I keep getting the "You need to install or upgrade Flash player..." many times when I try to watch a Flash video. Well, it is already installed. Also, on those sites where it might work, first I get a greyed screen with a place for me to click. When I click, I sometimes see the video.
All Replies (9)
This is the message I get
Can you post your installed plugins?
- Help > Troubleshooting Information
- https://support.mozilla.org/kb/Using+the+Troubleshooting+Information+page
See also the about:plugins page, via the location/address bar.
Application Basics
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Important Modified Preferences
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Enabled plugins Find more information about browser plugins at mozilla.org. Find updates for installed plugins at mozilla.com/plugincheck. Help for installing plugins is available from plugindoc.mozdev.org. Shockwave Flash File: Flash Player.plugin Version: 11.3.300.250 Shockwave Flash 11.3 r300 MIME Type Description Suffixes application/x-shockwave-flash Shockwave Flash swf application/futuresplash FutureSplash Player spl QuickTime Plug-in 7.7.1 File: QuickTime Plugin.plugin Version: 7.7.1 The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime Web site. MIME Type Description Suffixes application/sdp SDP stream descriptor sdp video/quicktime QuickTime Movie mov,qt,mqv audio/mpeg MPEG audio mpeg,mpg,m1s,m1a,mp2,mpm,mpa,m2a,mp3,swa audio/mp4 MPEG-4 media mp4 audio/x-m4b AAC audio book m4b video/3gpp 3GPP media 3gp,3gpp audio/webm Matroska/WebM file mkv,mka,webm image/jpeg2000 JPEG2000 image jp2 audio/mid MIDI mid,midi,smf,kar audio/basic uLaw/AU audio au,snd,ulw image/x-tiff TIFF image tif,tiff image/x-png PNG image png video/mpeg MPEG media mpeg,mpg,m1s,m1v,m1a,m75,m15,mp2,mpm,mpv,mpa video/mp4 MPEG-4 media mp4 image/pict PICT image pict,pic,pct audio/x-aiff AIFF audio aiff,aif,aifc,cdda audio/x-m4p AAC audio m4p application/x-mpeg AMC media amc video/webm Matroska/WebM file mkv,mka,webm application/x-rtsp RTSP stream descriptor rtsp,rts image/jpeg2000-image JPEG2000 image jp2 audio/x-aac AAC audio aac,adts audio/x-m4a AAC audio m4a image/png PNG image png audio/mp3 MP3 audio mp3,swa video/x-matroska Matroska/WebM file mkv,mka,webm image/x-macpaint MacPaint image pntg,pnt,mac audio/ac3 AC3 audio ac3 image/x-pict PICT image pict,pic,pct audio/x-ac3 AC3 audio ac3 video/x-m4v Video m4v audio/aiff AIFF audio aiff,aif,aifc,cdda audio/vnd.qcelp QUALCOMM PureVoice audio qcp,qcp audio/midi MIDI mid,midi,smf,kar audio/wav WAVE audio wav,bwf audio/x-mpeg3 MP3 audio mp3,swa video/x-nuv NuppelVideo nuv audio/x-gsm GSM audio gsm image/x-sgi SGI image sgi,rgb video/sd-video SD video sdv audio/x-caf CAF audio caf video/x-mpeg MPEG media mpeg,mpg,m1s,m1v,m1a,m75,m15,mp2,mpm,mpv,mpa audio/x-midi MIDI mid,midi,smf,kar image/x-bmp BMP image bmp,dib video/avi Video For Windows avi,vfw,vfw,avi,gvi,divx,vp6 video/x-flv Flash Video flv audio/x-mp3 MP3 audio mp3,swa audio/x-matroska Matroska/WebM file mkv,mka,webm image/tiff TIFF image tif,tiff audio/x-wav WAVE audio wav,bwf image/jp2 JPEG2000 image jp2 video/3gpp2 3GPP2 media 3g2,3gp2 audio/aac AAC audio aac,adts video/msvideo Video For Windows avi,vfw,vfw,avi,gvi,divx,vp6 audio/mpeg3 MP3 audio mp3,swa application/x-sdp SDP stream descriptor sdp audio/x-tta True Audio tta video/x-msvideo Video For Windows avi,vfw,vfw,avi,gvi,divx,vp6 audio/AMR AMR audio AMR audio/x-mpeg MPEG audio mpeg,mpg,m1s,m1a,mp2,mpm,mpa,m2a,mp3,swa image/x-jpeg2000-image JPEG2000 image jp2 image/x-targa TGA image targa,tga audio/3gpp 3GPP media 3gp,3gpp audio/3gpp2 3GPP2 media 3g2,3gp2 image/x-quicktime QuickTime image qtif,qti video/flc AutoDesk Animator flc,fli,cel Java Applet Plug-in File: JavaAppletPlugin.plugin Version: 14.2.2 Displays Java applet content, or a placeholder if Java is not installed. MIME Type Description Suffixes application/x-java-applet;version=1.1.3 Java applet application/x-java-applet Basic Java Applets javaapplet application/x-java-applet;version=1.2.2 Java applet application/x-java-applet;version=1.5 Java applet application/x-java-vm Java applet application/x-java-applet;version=1.3.1 Java applet application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=1.6.0_31 Java applet application/x-java-applet;version=1.3 Java applet application/x-java-applet;version=1.1.2 Java applet application/x-java-applet;version=1.1 Java applet application/x-java-applet;version=1.2.1 Java applet application/x-java-applet;version=1.6 Java applet application/x-java-applet;version=1.4.2 Java applet application/x-java-applet;version=1.4 Java applet application/x-java-applet;version=1.1.1 Java applet application/x-java-applet;version=1.2 Java applet iPhotoPhotocast File: iPhotoPhotocast.plugin Version: 7.0 iPhoto6 MIME Type Description Suffixes application/photo iPhoto 700 Shockwave for Director File: DirectorShockwave.plugin Version: 11.6.4r634 Adobe Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in, version 11.6.4 MIME Type Description Suffixes application/x-director Shockwave for Director dcr,dir,dxr Google Earth Plug-in File: Google Earth Web Plug-in.plugin Version: 6.2 The Google Earth Plugin allows you to view 3D imagery and terrain in your web browser. MIME Type Description Suffixes application/geplugin Google Earth browser plugin Flip4Mac Windows Media Plugin File: Flip4Mac WMV Plugin.plugin Version: The Flip4Mac WMV Plugin allows you to view Windows Media content using QuickTime. MIME Type Description Suffixes video/x-ms-asf Windows Media Video asf video/x-ms-asx Windows Media Playlist asx audio/x-ms-wax Windows Media Playlist wax application/x-ms-wmp Windows Media Plugin video/x-ms-wmp Windows Media Video wmp application/x-mplayer2 Windows Media Plugin video/x-ms-wmx Windows Media Playlist wmx video/x-ms-wm Windows Media Video wm video/x-ms-wvx Windows Media Playlist wvx video/x-ms-wmv Windows Media Video wmv video/x-ms-asf-plugin Windows Media Plugin audio/x-ms-wma Windows Media Audio wma application/asx Windows Media Plugin Silverlight Plug-In File: Silverlight.plugin Version: 5.0.61118.0 5.0.61118.0 MIME Type Description Suffixes application/x-silverlight Microsoft Silverlight xaml application/x-silverlight-2 Microsoft Silverlight xaml doubleTwist Web Plugin File: doubleTwistWebPlugin.bundle Version: 3 doubleTwist Web Plugin MIME Type Description Suffixes application/x-vnd-doubleTwist doubleTwist Web Plugin Microsoft Office Live Plug-in File: OfficeLiveBrowserPlugin.plugin Version: 12.2.6 Office Live Update v1.0 MIME Type Description Suffixes application/officelive Office Live Update v1.0 Picasa File: Picasa.plugin Version: 1.0 Picasa plugin. MIME Type Description Suffixes application/x-picasa-detect 3.1 picasa
You seem to be having the Shockwave Flash 11.3 r300 beta release.
Does it work better if you remove that plugin and install the regular Flash player release?
Uh...I see no way to REMOVE a plug in. I can disable one, but remove? Where is the remove button?
use the uninstaller provided by adobe for your system
You can find a link to remove the Flash 11.3 player at the bottom of the page in this link:
I uninstalled and reinstalled the proper flash file. Still no go.