javascript:resizeTo(1024,768); no longer works
After upgrading from version 3.6 to 14.0.1 I find that this javascript bookmark no longer works to resize the window.
Is this by design?
Is there a work around?
All Replies (5)
Well... websites are now prohibited from resizing windows except in limited circumstances, and that seems to affect bookmarklets, too.
Would you consider an add-on such as Firesizer: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/fire.../firesizer/ (I haven't tried it myself).
You can still do that via the Scratchpad or the command line in the Web Console if there is an XUL page like about:newtab or about:addons on display.
Bug 565541 - Web sites shouldn't be allowed to resize main window
There are extensions that allow to set the window dimension.
I use PrefBar to do this, but there are others.
- Custom Geometry: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/custom-geometry/
- Firesizer: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/firesizer/
- ResizeIT: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/resizeit/
You can also do this with code in Error Console or via an extension or toolbar button that allows to run code with chrome privileges.
var Cc=Components.classes, Ci=Components.interfaces; var ps = Cc["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIPromptService); var wm = Cc["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"].getService(Ci.nsIWindowMediator); var nb = wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"); var txt = 'width x height'; var obj = new Object; obj.value = nb.window.outerWidth + 'x' + nb.window.outerHeight; if(ps.prompt(null, 'Resize Window', txt, obj, null, {}) && obj.value){ var vA = obj.value.split("x"); if(vA[0]) nb.window.outerWidth = vA[0]; if(vA[1]) nb.window.outerHeight = vA[1]; }
For the sake of completeness, the Web Developer Extension has a resizer among its many handy tools: Web Developer. (It is a little confusing to have two Web Developer items on the Tools menu, however...)
Thanks for the clarification.
I'll try the add-ons.
BTW, does having a lot of add-ons slow down Firefox loading or are they only loaded when they are used?