A sudden raft of problems with customers using firefox
In the last couple of months we've suddenly had a raft of complaints from customers that our website is not working properly (photo uploads don't work, buttons don't work or appear properly, they get unexpected errors and so on). The only thing we can work out that these customers have in common is that they use firefox.
Has firefox changed at all recently (in the last few months) and is there any kind of diagnostic tool we can run on our site to troubleshoot firefox compatibility?
Kind regards,
All Replies (12)
Just going to your website, it seems to be working fine for me.
It is possible your users aren't on the latest version of Firefox, in which case urge them to update (Update Firefox to the latest release).
Or they could just need to clear their cache Websites look wrong or appear differently than they should is a good article for these circumstances.
To check your website's compatibility, this is the wrong forum, but https://developer.mozilla.org/ might be able to help.
Thanks for the speedy answer. The site works fine for me using firefox too, but all the complaints are from firefox users. We use a third party photo uploader (neat upload) and that seems to be a major source of errors for firefox users. Most of the complaints are for post log in functionality, so you may not see anything just looking at the front end of the site. You're welcome to create a free account and look around the back end as well, unless you think I'd be better off posting on the developer forum?
I would try to follow up on the developre portal :)
Sadly that forums has been closed for lack of interest. :-(
I would then try www.mozillazine.org/
Try posting at the Web Development / Standards Evangelism forum at MozillaZine. The helpers over there are more knowledgeable about web page development issues with Firefox.
You'll need to register and login to be able to post in that forum.
You should have a specific test case to present over there or exact webpage where the problem is most likely to appear.
One thing that I see in the source code on your homepage is ad (to wit advertising), and I wonder is there is any chance that your Firefox users (and even other browsers) may have adblocking scripts screwing up their use of your website?
Placing images in a logos folder can have a similar ad-blocking effect.
Your code has some errors in it Mark. Not sure what your customers errors are, but just randomly I viewed the source of this page > http://www.visum.co.uk/property-advertising/no-agency-ties.aspx and find line 548 which has the link "Our landlord blog" has no closing /a tag thus the /p tag at the end of that line is in error since there is in open anchor... line 549 is blank and then line 550 is also showing an error for the link text "Visum-Sales.co.uk - Online Estate Agent" since the another [a] tag is started but not closed. That will cause that link to not work and your customers would have problems with it not linking anywhere. FF is very standards compliant. That's probably not your problem... but it is one error I saw and it's on every page of your site being an include.
All these answers are very much appreciated. The generosity of people on the Internet who are willing to spend their precious time onother people's problems never ceases to amaze me!
Our web developer doesn't seem to think the above issues are the problem, so I've tasked him with coming up with a better answer :-)
Have a great weekend!
Have your developer fix the erroneous code and also change the DOCTYPE declaration from > [!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"] [html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"] < which it currently is
to this > [!DOCTYPE html] [html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"] which is the most accepted HTML5 DOCTYPE declaration. Take out your PUBLIC and STRICT and all that garbage and I'll bet you'll be fine. I have a paypal account if you need a new developer.
Hi teajayo1, some people still prefer XHTML. ;-)
Hi greengriff, if NeatUploader is a Flash-based component, please be aware of issues commencing with the June 8, 2012 release of Flash 11.3, especially on Windows 7 and Windows Vista. See: Flash 11.3 doesn't load video in Firefox. Of course, users with Flash issues usually detect that on video sites...
Thanks again guys. Teajayo1 please PM me with your CV.