Many issues regarding Firefox 28 Aurora on Android
On my Samsung Galaxy S2 with Android 4.1.2 ever since I auto updated to version 28:
1. Can only access the default about:home page; sites won't load after either tapping bookmark links or direct typing
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(continues) even the "about:" (About Firefox page) doesn't work. 2. The "setting" from the menu bar keep staying grey and I can't access it; no addon has been loaded into the menu bar either.
But the strange thing is I can start a new guess session (it didn't grey out), and everything works fine on that particular session.
I have a Galaxy SII (4.1.2) running a new installation of Aurora 28.0 and am not seeing any problems. Can you try wiping application data and cache and starting from a new profile and comment back here if you see the same problem again?
Well, I did exactly that after a few more attempts trying to make it work.