Download filenames are Cut Short - ie: Filenam~rt.mov . This is recent 12/13, and extremely irritating, may be: Ant vid. downloader, otherwise; downgrade FF
Download filenames are Cut Short - ie: Filenam~rt.mov, This is recent ~12/13, and extremely irritating, may be: Ant vid. downloader, If not; looking to downgrade FF
Also FF is very slow when many tabs are open - MUCH slower than before under same circumstances, then it crashes or I end process Sys: XP32 {
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All Replies (1)
Ant Video Downloader does have the ability to increment filenames so I would try either disabling the add-on or running Firefox in Safe Mode
To disable the add on:
- Firefox in top left corner>Add-ons>Click Extensions on the left>Hit disable under "Ant Video Downloader"
To run Firefox in Safe Mode:
- Firefox in top left corner>Help>Restart with Add-ons Disabled
For more information about Safe Mode refer to this article: