Websites that I always used with Explorer...
Now won't load to the same text size while trying to read content. I used to be able to double tap and get a whole page (everyone's responses in an on-going audio discussion, for example) equalized to the same text size. Now I have to zoom up and down to be able to read the tiny print or the big print.
I was forced to get a new phone when my previous phone died a couple of weeks ago, and though I've tried all of the settings I can think if, I've had no luck.
Please feel free to as me questions if I'm not being clear
All Replies (2)
hello, please try to set the text size level to the smallest option in the firefox android settings.
Good idea, no help. I used to be able to zoom to a type size that I was comfortable looking at, double-tap, and all of the print on the page would become the same size that I chose and align (wrap) itself to fit perfectly within the margins of the page. Now the browser chooses the size for me that IT thinks that I want to look at. And I can't both increase and align it.