Change your two-step authentication device for your Mozilla account

Firefox, Firefox for Android, Firefox for iOS,... Firefox, Firefox for Android, Firefox for iOS, Mozilla Account Viimati uuendatud: 2 nädalat ago
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If you have two-step authentication enabled for your Mozilla account and you need to migrate to a new device or phone, here are steps you can take to ensure that you don’t get locked out of your account.

Step one: Disable two-step authentication

  1. Go to your Mozilla account settings (you may need to sign in).
  2. Enter the authentication code from your authentication application.
  3. After you sign in, click Security on the left side of the page.
  4. Next to Two-step authentication, click Disable.
  5. Click Disable on the confirmation window.

Step two: Re-enable two-step authentication

Once your new device is ready to use, enable two-step authentication by following the instructions in Set up two-factor authentication on your Mozilla account.

Warning: When enabling two-step authentication, all of the old recovery codes become invalid. Please ensure that you save the new recovery codes in the event your two-step authentication device fails.

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