I forgot my Mozilla account password and I can't sign in to Mozilla VPN

Mozilla VPN Mozilla VPN Viimati uuendatud: 06/12/2024 20% of users voted this helpful
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If you forgot the password you use to sign in to Mozilla VPN, you can reset it to a new one, then sign in to Mozilla VPN with your new password.

Your other devices will stop synchronizing after resetting your password, and you may lose some of your synced browsing information (unless you reset your account with recovery keys). We will be able to recover your payment information but not your browsing information, bookmarks and logins.
  1. Open Mozilla VPN and click (or tap) Already a subscriber.
  2. Enter your email address in the email field and click (or tap) Continue.
  3. Click (or tap) Forgot your password in the next screen.
  4. Your browser will open with a Mozilla account page to reset your password.
  5. Enter the email address associated with your account in the password reset screen and click (or tap) Begin reset.
  6. You’ll receive an email in your inbox with a confirmation code to create a new password.

I’m still unable to sign in to my Mozilla account

If you're still having issues to sign in, contact us directly:

  1. Open Mozilla VPN.
  2. Click (or tap) Get help at the top right corner of the application.
  3. Click (or tap) Contact Support.
  4. Enter your email address and details about your issue.
  5. When complete, click (or tap) Submit.

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