New in Thunderbird for Android version 8

Thunderbird for Android Thunderbird for Android Loodud: 50% of users voted this helpful

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This article is an introduction to the most interesting new features, improvements, and changes visible to users in Thunderbird for Android version 8. More details can be found in the release notes.

Donors welcome!

You can now support Thunderbird for Android monthly or a one time basis through the Google Play Store as follows:

  1. Tap at the top left > tap the gear icon:gear icon at the bottom left.
  2. Tap Support Thunderbird.

Import your settings from Thunderbird for Desktop or K-9

Thunderbird for Android version 8 can import your settings from K-9 Mail, from Thunderbird on the desktop or via a file from Thunderbird for Android or K-9 on another Android device. Full details: Import settings and data into Thunderbird for Android.

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