Retrieve a Pocket crash log on Android

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Keegi pole seda teemat veel tõlkinud. Kui sa juba tead, kuidas SUMO tõlkimine käib, siis alusta kohe tõlkimist. Kui soovid SUMO teemade tõlkimist õppida, siis palun alusta siit.

When troubleshooting issues or crashes, we may request a bug report so our development team can determine what is happening. Here are instructions to find a crash log in Pocket for Android, and send it to us directly.

Step 1: Enable developer options

Enabling Developer Options on your Android device gives you a few more advanced settings. Other than making these additional settings visible, it will not make any changes to your device. Here’s how to enable them:

  1. Visit your device’s Settings app and select About phone or About tablet. It is typically the last one in the main Settings or if the Settings app is broken into sections, it might be ina tab like “General" or “Device”.
  2. In the “About” section, scroll down to the Build number - it’s typically the last one - and tap it 10 times, until you see a message that says “You are now a developer!”. Developer Options are now enabled.
  3. Tap the back button to leave the “About” page. The new Developer Options item will now be shown directly under or above “About phone”.

Step 2: Capture a bug report

Here’s how to capture a bug report and send it to Pocket:

  1. Reproduce the issue that you’re seeing. For example, complete the steps that cause Pocket to crash.
  2. After reproducing the issue, go into the main Settings app and select Developer Options.
  3. Tap Take bug report (you may need to toggle the “On" switch at the top first). After a few minutes you will receive a prompt to email the bug report. Please send it to Pocket Support.
Note: If the Take bug report option is disabled, please try enabling the USB Debugging option in Developer Options and try again.

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