Security issue?
I'm writing to inform you of something I just encountered that was eery.
I was going thru my Yahoo emails reading articles (clicking through the articles from links on my emails). I'm subscribed to and have thought nothing unusual about receiving their emails.
I found a picture of a house renovation that I liked and used the screenshot button on Firefox. I did this several times, and at some point the tab holding my Yahoo Mail account disappeared so I used the "back" button on FIrefox (aka Alt+LeftArrow) and a website called "Mozilla" (or Firefox?) came up BUT the page was full of Hanzi script. It looked nothing like the Firefox website but used your names in Latin script. I continued to back out until I got to my Yahoo Mail site and then searched for a way to support this.
I included a screenshot of my History from this morning for you to review. I don't need a response, I just want to support Mozilla and this was weird. Suzanne