in my extension tabs.on("ready", ...) doesn't work after its installation, but works in debug mode (cfx run)
I had written an extension
var tabs = require("sdk/tabs"); var Request = require("sdk/request").Request;
tabs.on("ready", function(tab){
var vk_oauth = "oauth.vk.com/blank.html"; var vk_blind = "http://localhost:5000"; var auth_complete = "/complete/vk-oauth2/";
if (tab.url.indexOf(vk_oauth) > -1) { var code = tab.url.match(/code=(.+)&/)[1]; var state = tab.url.match(/state=(.+)$/)[1]; var auth_url = vk_blind + auth_complete + '?code=' + code + '&state=' + state;
var auth_request = Request({ url: auth_url, onComplete: function(response) { tab.url = vk_blind; } }); auth_request.get();
tab.url = ; }
But it works only in debug mode: cfx run. after cfx xpi and installation no result
I had written an extension
var tabs = require("sdk/tabs");
var Request = require("sdk/request").Request;
tabs.on("ready", function(tab){
var vk_oauth = "oauth.vk.com/blank.html";
var vk_blind = "http://localhost:5000";
var auth_complete = "/complete/vk-oauth2/";
if (tab.url.indexOf(vk_oauth) > -1) {
var code = tab.url.match(/code=(.+)&/)[1];
var state = tab.url.match(/state=(.+)$/)[1];
var auth_url = vk_blind + auth_complete + '?code=' + code + '&state=' + state;
var auth_request = Request({
url: auth_url,
onComplete: function(response) {
tab.url = vk_blind;
tab.url = '';
But it works only in debug mode: cfx run. after cfx xpi and installation no result
Kaikki vastaukset (3)
Could I suggest asking over here:
oh, thank you =)
There's also an Extension Development forum over here: \http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewforum.php?f=19