combine 2 Bookmarks as 1 - possible?
I have no idea if this is even remotely possible.
I have 2 bookmarklets (each a bookmark on my bookmark bar) that I would like to press 1 bookmark on my bookmark rather then pressing each (e.g. 2 keystrokes). Is it possible to combine them into 1 bookmark?
I am on an amazon kindle detail page (originating source) to utilise both these bookmarklets.
1) add a kindle book to lendle account javascript:var%20array=document.URL.match(/amazon\.(.*?)\/.*?\/.*?\/(.{10})/);if(array==null){alert('This%20bookmarket%20works%20on%20Amazon.com%20Kindle%20book%20pages,%20and%20redirects%20you%20to%20the%20same%20book\'s%20page%20on%20Lendle.%20Please%20visit%20a%20Kindle%20book%20page%20on%20Amazon.com%20and%20then%20click%20this%20bookmarklet.');}else{var%20x=window.open('http://www.lendle.me/books/detail/'+array[2],%20"_blank");x.focus();}
2) add a kindle book to ereaderIQ price watchlist javascript:if(window.location.href.indexOf('http://www.ereaderiq.com/tools/')==0){'%3C!DOCTYPE%20html%3E%3Chtml%3E%3Chead%3E%3Clink%20rel="icon"%20type="image/png"%20href="http://www.ereaderiq.com/img/logo-square-16-dkgreen.png"/%3E%3C/head%3E%3Cbody%20onload="history.back();"%3E%3C/body%3E%3C/html%3E';}else{location.href='http://www.ereaderiq.com/tools?b=watcher_old&v=0.1&url='+encodeURIComponent(location.href)}
Kaikki vastaukset (1)
Sorry for the inconvenience, but the desired behavior is not possible.
Although it's not a builtin feature in Firefox, many independent developers are always creating new addons to add more features to Firefox. Please feel free to browse them from the addons website.
Let us know if you find one that will achieve the functionality that you desire, that way users that view this thread in the future will know what to download.