Using a S/MIME Certificate from Thunderbird with K9 Mail
Tl;dr: how to convert pgp public keys to a csr and vice versa for the generated Certificate
Since K9 and Thunderbird are about to merge I wanted to point out here that i have difficulties using a S/MIME Certificate in the PKDS 12 format on my phone. The OpenKeychain app required just can't import it. I need to use a Certificate that got signed by my company. So even if I generate a PGP pubkic key with open keychain I don't get how i would turn that into a CSR that I could send to the it Department. Has anyone else had the same issue?
Kaikki vastaukset (1)
PGP and S/mime are completely different technologies. Just as Diesel and Petrol engines are completely different technologies Both doing essentially the same job.
Secondly there is no actual interactions between K9 mail and Thunderbird at this time. The product has not been released. But there will never be a situation when an s/mime certificate will be used in PGP or vise versa.