how and where i can get firefox 21
ok i am really getting irritated. all i ask is how and where i can get firefox 21. i have asked this question a million times and every response which i am thankful that they took the time to answer but they all avoid answering my question. it is a simple question. i dont want firefox 22 and anything anyone says will not change that. so a ask again: WHERE CAN I GET FF 21? AND HOW CAN I GET IT? i would really appreciate if someone would answer this question
Valittu ratkaisu
If web pages needs to be adjusted after changing this pref or otherwise then you can look at the Default FullZoom Level or NoSquint extension.
- Default FullZoom Level: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/default-fullzoom-level/
- NoSquint: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/nosquint/
Use this extension to adjust the font size for the user interface:
- Theme Font & Size Changer: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/theme-font-size-changer/
Kaikki vastaukset (13)
(Incorrect Beta Link Removed)
First, don't use the link that was above, it was incorrect and pointing to a beta version of 21, not the final build.
Second, why dont' you want to use Firefox 22? It's better to resolve any issues you are having in Firefox 22 and use it (it's more secure, stable and speedy than 21) than keep using 21 because of a simple issue.
Ah, sorry about the link. Also I seen a lot of people having a lot of problems with Firefox 22.
ok i have tried using ff 22 and i dont like it because every website i went on the resolution was huge and i tried doing the ctrl - and it would work but i would have to do that to every website i go on. i also tried the trouble shoot solution and that did not work. i am aware of the vulnerabilities that comes with ff 21 and im ok with that. i used to have ff 21 and would LOVE to go back to it. can someone tell where and how i can get FF 21
hello, firefox 22 is now respecting the pixel density you've set on a system level in the windows control panel > appearance > display. more information about that is available at http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/make-the-text-on-your-screen-larger-or-smaller
if you want to set the text size/pixel density in firefox different from that of your system's settings like it was handled in prior versions, enter about:config into the firefox address bar (confirm the info message in case it shows up) & search for the preference named layout.css.devPixelsPerPx. double-click it and change its value to 1.0 (or any other zoom factor that fits your purpose; -1.0 is the default value and will adhere to the system settings).
The behavior in Firefox 22 is correct, everything before was incorrect. You can adjust your pixel density, but using old versions of Firefox is not supported or recommended.
ok i get that downgrading is not supported or recommended but i prefer to have ff 21 it works better for me. i dont think ff 22 is correct i dont to have to keep adjusting the resolution for every website i go on. that is not the only problem i have with ff 22 the toolbar is huge even though i checked off the smaller icons box. i have tried practically tried everything that does not involve me hacking and all i want is to go back to ff 21 so again can someone tell me where and how i can get ff 21
What's your DPI settings at http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/make-the-text-on-your-screen-larger-or-smaller say? Put it on 100%
Valittu ratkaisu
If web pages needs to be adjusted after changing this pref or otherwise then you can look at the Default FullZoom Level or NoSquint extension.
- Default FullZoom Level: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/default-fullzoom-level/
- NoSquint: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/nosquint/
Use this extension to adjust the font size for the user interface:
- Theme Font & Size Changer: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/theme-font-size-changer/
SomeDude1212, you are welcome to create your own browser if you think you can do better based on you backseat criticism. ;)
Or even submit patches or such to help improve this.
Ok so it was not perfect for some in the real word as something this big a change is bound to not work out perfectly right away in correcting what was incorrect before.
Hi Moderator, When chanelle.r and SomeDude1212 asked you modestly and politely about how to downgrade to FF21, kindly understand that your answers are not helping any one of us who are looking for FF21 for some or other reasons. It seems you are bit arrogant in your reply to SomeDude1212 when he has got some genuine issues with FF22.
Even I am facing one such issue with Selenium 2.0, a FF add-on. I am not able to run any selenium scripts in FF22 and I am getting the below error message in Selenium with FF22 when I try to run a script which was properly running in FF21 earlier.
[error] Unexpected Exception: fileName -> chrome://selenium-ide/content/selenium-core/scripts/htmlutils.js, lineNumber -> 309, columnNumber -> 8
Now can you please let us all know where and how do we downgrade FF to 21 rather than having issues with FF22 even though we agree and understand that FF22 is latest and has got more security features.
Your modest reply would just be appreciated.
Thanks, Selenium_user
SomeDude1212, if anybody was trolling and adding insults it was you ;) then and again.
He may indeed have some issues but he did not need to bump thread with the rant post especially the last part especially since if he wants to be taken seriously. Like I said if somebody thinks they can do better on how something is done then submit patches for it in appropriate bug in bugzilla as Firefox is open source and Mozilla employees are not the only ones essentially making Firefox.
Downgrading to Firefox 21.0 is not encouraged as it is potentially vulnerable. http://www.mozilla.org/security/known-vulnerabilities/firefox.html
Posted on PlayBook.
Solved thread. Locking to cut off the argument.