when using pc banking with bnpparibasfortis, transfer orders with future date in august of september don't work with nightly.
restart with addons disabled doesn't solve the problem. fill in the date manually in stead of using the calender of the website doesn'make any difference. amount; benificiary neither. june; july; october work fine. the problem is relatied to nightly: the bank web site works with google chrome (and probably with other browsers). i receive no error message, but either the reply to the bank's server is in wrong format; or the signal is rejected by nightly or java.
Toutes les réponses (4)
Do you have a problem with the latest Firefox 30 release version?
no, i'm using nightly 33.0a1(2014-06-25), but it's such a weird problem for which i can't find any explanation.
Whoops, I just realized that you are using the Win64 version of Nightly! It's not even being actively developed right now; further development has on hiatus for quite awhile now. The build server is just spitting out new versions to make sure a change in the 32-bit Windows build doesn't break something that would need to be fixed in the future once Win64 development is resumed.
That said, do you have a 64-bit version of Java installed? Your system details doesn't indicate that Java 64 is installed or Night isn't finding it.
As far as the problem you are having, check the Browser Console for errors related to your bank domain. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/Browser_Console Might have a clue as to your problem.
i uninstalled all java and re-installed a fresh one. the status in nightly is "alwayas activated", but it didn't make any differences. BTW: how do i launch the browser console?