your submit button does not work on https://input.mozilla.org/en-US/feedback/firefox/30.0/#moreinfo
so i filled in the form it took forever and then the SUBMIT button did not work. here is my complaint/suggestion for improvement
hi i have linuxmint 16 and 17, on 16 firefox is ver 30.0. TWO "problems" -1- (real problem) when saving a webpage with ctrl-s, and hitting "save", i get NO indicator that
i am trying to write a file to a directory i dont have permission for. the screen LOOKS like the save happened, but looking in the directory shows no file made, and i see NO ERROR MESSAGE fromFIREFOX
-2- problem/MAJOR annoyance. when saving webpages that people have named with special characters
(linux filenames (can but shouldnt) have & ' " ? / * ! ` : < > | { } (etc)), firefox names the file as-is. (and windows filenames shouldnt/cant have / \ : * ? " < > | ). This causes a problem when i dual-boot (windows then CANT access files with special chars) SO i have to boot linux, rename the file, then boot windows (if i wanna use the file in windows)
idea for fix: either just delete the offending chars from the filename or replace with (maybe) underscore singlealphacharacter please DONT USE percent number number number as THAT is a hassle to type, and it unncessesarily lenghens the filename. suggested mappings, change & to _a < to _l > to _g | to _p (read in your mind as under-ampersand, under-lesshtna, under-pipe, ...)
here are URLs for a two sample pages named this way
http://cosmos-documentaries.blogspot.fr/ http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/earth-unplugged-slow-motion-time-lapse/
please let me know your thoughts/your designteam thoughts on these ideas. thanks !!
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You are using an older version of Firefox. Please update to the latest Firefox 35 version.